Hello there,

I'm Ahmed Tijani

Software developer Bioinformatician Data science enthusiast


Let me introduce myself

profile picture

I am a dedicated Software developer currently pursuing a postgraduate in Bioinformatics. Skilled in using Python and also adept at adapting to evolving technologies and methods. A rapid learner, staying abreast of industry trends. A standout communicator and proven collaborator, consistently driving results through effective teamwork.


Following my completion of a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology, I embarked on a transformative journey through medical school, immersing myself in the intricacies of healthcare for a span of three years. However, my curiosity and passion were increasingly drawn towards the ever-evolving realm of technology. Hence, led me to delve deeper into the intersection of biology and computational science. Consequently, I opted to pursue a postgraduate program in Bioinformatics at the University of Potsdam, shifting my academic focus. This shift not only mirrored my changing career goals but also aligned with my passion for leveraging technology to innovate.


I have experience in developing responsive frontend interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js for various projects. During my courseworks, amongst various project using Python, I developed a versatile Parser app for FASTA and UNIPROT files containing biological sequences adaptable for both command-line and GUI environments. I also developed a Monte Carlo simulation using R.


  • English : Native speaker
  • German : B2


Contained in this carousel are some of my most recent projects